How is Slow Food UW continuing?

Hey! To those who end up reading this blog post: “Wow, Thank you!, did not expect that many people to visit this link”. This is Max today writing, one of the Co-Executive Directors at Slow Food UW, and the question on the header is a good one.

I think everyone can agree not having school ultimately sucks. Living in a “socially distant” world is also rather sad. When we learned we would not be able to provide food or a space to gather in a our happy basement we were all disappointed. Yet, right away we tried to think of ways to continue our mission (yes I will repeat it again): that everyone has access to good, clean, fair food.

So what did we do? Well at the beginning we tried to work with other Student Food Justice Orgs on campus, The Lutheran Campus Center, and the The Crossing to run a food pick up operation. As Governor Evers order came out to stay at home, our hosts believed it to be safer to not serve food at that moment.

Well, if we cant serve you food then what???

Why you can make it yourself!

We acknowledge that everyone will experience staying at home differently, and know that this follows across the various lines of income, race, housing and other forms of inequities that determine the privilege of what it means to stay at home.

We hope to be able to provide way in which Slow Food UW exists in this difficult time to provide meaningful sharing of resources to help our community, and create culture of cooking at home.

In order to this we will be sharing on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Blog) resources to help our community, where to get free food, and easy recipes for everyone to be able to still have #SlowFoodathome